We will be at the beautiful West Greenwich Library from 7-10.30 (we really wanted it to be dusk to dawn, but that's plain silly on a weekday and not fair on the library staff, and half ten allows people to get the last train).
We have stories from David Mathews and Sarah Evans who were in last year's festival, plus Wendy Gill, Pauline Walker and Frances Gapper (all shortlisted last year), and Neil Brosnan and David McVey and Arachne regular Cherry Potts. We also have poems from Sarah James, Bob Beagrie and Abigail Beckel. These will be performed by Saul Reichlin, Patsy Prince, Annalie Wilson (who is also singing) and Lorraine Spenceley.
Music-wise we have invited a local choir, Vocal Chords to do a short set, and we are joined by friends from last year's festival, Ian Kennedy and Sarah Lloyd, and by newcomers The Vassilis Chatzimakris Trio playing traditional night-themed Cretan music; plus as previously mentioned the multi-talented Annalie Wilson.
We have crowdfunded, but raised under £300. This has paid for the absolute basics of marketing, and a measly £24 per performer. We needed around £4000 to do the event properly: paying the actors, musicians and administration the going rate, publicising properly... videoing so that there's a permanent record - so if you'd like to support the event with or without a reward you can donate here... at our incredibly simplistic paypal version. here are the videos from our original crowdfund.
The badge referred to is last year's of which there are a handful left
or our new one with the Longest Night logo
The Anthology is Solstice Shorts Sixteen Stories about Time.
these are the Kevin Threlfall prints
the signed books are Devilskein & Dearlove, Mosaic of Air and The Don't Touch Garden.
This money will be ring-fenced to the festival event. Or you can buy a book... that helps too!
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